

In some parts of India, fate of two lives is still decided by two families like a business deal.

On the way to Bikaner, I stopped for a stretch-my-bodybreak in Jhunjhunu . A group of villagers in colorful turbans, sitting in a circle as if attending a round table conference caught the attention of my curious camera. i thought it to be a political meeting so i tried to sneak my camera in for a closer view. I asked a young chap who was also a part of the crowd to place the tripod right in the middle of commotion.

And I myself camouflaged with the crowd and slowly started sinking into the scene as if I was meant to be there. The secret vibe was that they seemed scared of me thinking me to be a journalist. But honestly i was scared of being in their territory. However, slowly i got comfortable to the point that I took the camera in my own hands and started capturing more up-close and personal.

I witnessed the discussion getting intense with volumes rising every now n then. As the drama built, l started listening to the conversation more actively.
I realized it was not a work meeting but a gathering of two families, which had come together to fix a match in marriage. In fact ,it wasn’t just two families discussing the protocols, the ‘len-den’, the dos and don’ts but even the village panchayat, mukhiya and other important people outside the family were apart of organizing this deal. it seemed the marriage was not between a girl and boy but between two families and two societies. I had only heard about such alliances in stories of yesteryears.

By the way, wondering if the couple will ever meet before the wedding day and hoping the surprise turns out pleasant for both!

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